Don't worry, old friends, it's only women's soccer. Baseball still bores me to tears, basketball doesn't hold my interest, I'll watch hockey only if Amanda really, really wants to, and even men's soccer doesn't do much for me. Although I did enjoy the men's World Cup, so I guess I like it when it's international and/or there's something at stake. We'll see if I still like women's soccer when it's all US teams on college soccer fields. I suspect I still will, and if you've ever seen pictures of Megan Rapinoe, Abby Wambach, or half the players of the Philadelphia Independence, you'll understand why.
That's actually how Amanda and I picked the team we would follow after the World Cup (from the six teams in the WPS. seriously, there are only six teams to choose from). We were cruising the WPS website and a banner popped up with this amazing looking butch with chunks of bleached hair, and I said "OOOH! What team does SHE play for?" We are now in her fan club and are going to get our picture taken with her after the game next weekend. There are several other fabulous gay-looking players on the Philadelphia Independence, so even if she should leave the team, we should still be good. We were really stoked that Rapinoe was on the Independence, but it turned out that she was only with them briefly before being traded to magicJack (not the magicJack or the Washington magicJack. Just... magicJack.) But she was with them long enough to sign balls and jerseys, apparently!

We swore never to be fans of magicJack, because what the hell kind of a team is sponsored and renamed by a sham product like magicJack, anyway? But since they've got Wambach, Rapinoe, and I think a bunch of other awesome US team players, we have had to reevaluate. I'd still rather see the Washington Freedom vs. the Philadelphia Independence (Freedom vs. Independence. It's ON.) than magicJack vs. the Philadelphia Independence, but I'll take what I can get.
At any rate, go team go, and may the better man win as long as he's a woman with a butch haircut.
I recently re-read this post and was cringing with embarrassment. I have since met the "butch" player several times, which makes this post even more embarrassing. For the record, I don't believe she identifies as such, and that particular picture was more "butch" than she is in real life (though she is openly gay, for what it's worth). She is also an incredibly nice and generally awesome person. I almost edited this post, but it doesn't seem right to re-write history, even when the history isn't particularly significant.